“…humanity, humility, homage and humus are all semantically and symbolically related.”


Autocthonia is a multisensory, immersive futures installation that looks forward to possible futures of off-planet habitation to emphasise the necessity of vital Earth ecologies in their manifestation. Presented as a collection of future artefacts, Autocthonia interrogates how the continuation of human life in any location will only be facilitated through models of care, reciprocity and stewardship beyond-the-human. Centering the complex dynamics of human-soil relations, this work evokes a time-horizon in which the protection of, care for and contact with Earth soil has become fundamental component of health care practices both on, and off Earth.

The installation was presented at MILK Gallery in 2022, with single channel video component Soilitude appearing in 2023 as a part of the Wild Media: Wired Wilderness group exhibition for The International Digital Media and Arts Association (iDMAa). Additionally, the research involved in Autocthonia informed this essay published by Art + Australia.

In the 21st century healthy soil is a finite and threatened resource. Unique to this solar system. It cannot be fabricated or outsourced and arises only through complex coalitions of life and labour across scales and species. This soil is a complex, multiform living body, a series of relations made tactile on which all Earthlings are dependant for well-being. In the Autocthonia future, Care for Commons Collectives ensure that Earths commons are protected and their manifold benefits made accessible to all Terran’s or Earthlings, regardless of universal location. The Soil Common Collection, Ergon, provide immersive engagements and consumable technologies intended to replicate the experience of being in contact with Earth soil:

Taking its name from the ‘longevity’ vitamin' ergothioneine, found only in healthy earth0 soils, Ergon acts for care and continuance of soil commons, launching its Soil Hoizons treatment and supplement range in 2145. For off-planet Terran’s, Soil supplements can be included in health regimes to ensure adequate levels of (B)(Zn)(Mn)(Fe)(Cu)(Mo)(CI) +AZBT, AZSP, NGR234 for safe consumption to, or beyond RA 15h 10m 46s- DEC- 17’13’24’

The works in Autocthonia are one fragment of the long-form research project TERRAN, an ongoing, long-form transdisciplinary investigation into human/earth relations through the lens of space futures. Reweaving narratives of space habitation, TERRAN considers Earth life's material, psychological and spiritual interdependence to advocate for the care of the planetary commons. The complete project engages diverse ecosystems across the atmosphere, land, and waterways, with Autocthonia presenting early research into soil health. The research for this has been partly supported by the University of Melbourne Centre for Visual Art and Creative Victoria's Creators Fund.

Worlding, scenography, fabrication: Luna Mrozik Gawler

Cinamatography: Sheila Udeagu

Dramaturgy: Stephanie Spiers

Performance: Nicole Harvey

Artistic Assistance: Eve Gilbert & Steven Duckham


